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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,857 through 2,862 (of 5,274 total)
  • Author
    • #294011
      Divine Love

      hi, I am Amine from Paris, looking forward to learn more about kabbalah.


    • #294005

      Hi my name is Rebecca I am 35 from Scotland. I Am ready.

    • #293998
      Joe Kaye

      Hello my name is Joe (21 years old)

      I am hoping this course provides healing and knowledge for me and hopefully can steer me in a continued positive direction as I try to repair my wounds from this extended period of physical; psychological; emotional; and spiritual disunity and pain. I hope this course can be educational and beneficial in terms of developing and enhancing my relationship with Hashem and I am looking for flow clarity peace and joy in my life which I haven’t had for a very long time and I have been pleading with Hashem for a while. I don’t know too much about kabbalah but hopefully this can open my eyes a bit and assist in the above mentioned.

      Warm regards

    • #293997
      Joe Kaye

      Hello my name is Joe (21 years old)

      I am hoping this course provides healing and knowledge for me and hopefully can steer me in a continued positive direction as I try to repair my wounds from this extended period of physical; psychological; emotional; and spiritual disunity and pain. I hope this course can be educational and beneficial in terms of developing and enhancing my relationship with Hashem and I am looking for flow clarity peace and joy in my life which I havent had for a very long time and I have been pleading with Hashem for a while. I don’t know too much about kabbalah but hopefully this can open my eyes a bit and assist in the above mentioned.

      Warm regards

    • #293976

      Hello to you all. My name is Tamar. Born and raised in Israel, now in Florida since 1993. In my mid 20’s my mother thought it would be a good idea to sign me up for a Kabbalah course in Boca Raton FL, but I wasn’t ready at the time. I was too busy being “invincible”…

      between that time and now, I’ve went through a major transformation and it seems that getting back into the Kabbalah world is the most natural step to take. Why? Because ever since I came here to the US , I was on a self discovery journey and came to a point where I could see and feel there is something higher and greater governing and that the majority of people are sucked in this fear based society whirlpool. Mostly through my work as a life coach. I truly believe that the best investment one can do is knowing oneself. Understand what makes you happy, acting upon it and spreading ( influencing ) people ( communities ) around you.

      On that note, happy to be here!

    • #293911
      Maya Rosip

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi, my name is Maya, I currently reside in Canada, and I am looking forward to this journey with you</p>

Viewing 6 posts - 2,857 through 2,862 (of 5,274 total)
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