Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #305736

      Life is meaningless without a purpose and I do not know mine. It certainly is not just to pay bills, work, get a family e.t.c. I started reasearching Kabbalah for my Tarot practice and I found myself here and got hooked. Kabbalah suggets that can guide me to my purpose. I want to do it!

    • #305731

      Hi, I’m not exactly sure what you want me to say. I’m just a regular teenager looking for answers to the questions no-one seems to be able to answer. I hope I can find them here.

    • #305649

      Hi.  What an amazing system this is!  It is fun to meet you all, and I look forward to our connection and study together.  I live in Texas, USA – at the moment.  😉

      • #305652

        I live in Costa Rica and all the Americans here seem to be from Texas. My best friend here is totally Texas. Where in Texas are you from? I am from Massachusetts. Been living in Costa Rica for 15 years.



    • #305598


      My name is Chris and I’ve been looking for this course for a long time. It speaks to my heart as to what is “real” and what isn’t. Can’t wait to uncover the connections that I know are there but just can’t wrap my head around.

    • #305593
      John Caton

      Hello all.

      I’m John from Texas. I’m new to the study of Kabbalah. I’ve studied, from a Biblical perspective, most of my 76 years but have been confounded by trying to understand concepts like spirit and soul. While recently searching to understand the various viewpoints expressed on the internet I found this site. I’ve had a distant awareness of Kabbalah, but decided now was the time to learn more.

    • #305582

      Hi Every ONE,

      When the student is ready the teacher will appear… is quite re-sounding. In my Quest to find the Truth of the Creator, I came to Torah & later to Kabbalah info on YouTube. Over & Over again I have sensed some of the basic principles of Kabbalah throughout my journey here, before KabU came into my path around 3 years ago. Kabbalah simply resonates.  I am so looking forward to learning more & seeing where it will take us! I hope to become a better human & hope that these teachings will be a catalyst for a great & good change for our world. I am Very Grateful to Be Here & to meet all of you & to learn & to grow upwards. Thank you!

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