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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 313 through 318 (of 6,426 total)
  • Author
    • #427713

      Hello everybody! My name is Gina, I live in Onset, Mass., USA with beloved husband and cats. I’m an Artist and also a Tarot reader. I practice Transcendental Meditation and I first became interested in the magical aspects of Kabbalah and its relations with the Tarot, but I have always found it difficult to learn the Kabbalah by myself and I believe I wasn’t interested in putting in the effort until now. I started purchasing books on the Kabbalah last month as I also got into Casting Lots with Hebrew Letters and my husband found this course for me last night. I’m thrilled to finally start learning as I have always had many questions about life and its paths. I’m happy to be here with you all!

    • #427708

      Greetings! I’m Cathie, a retired nurse in Canada. I just want to explore and learn more

    • #427704

      My name is Elyssa (47).  I have 4 children (19, 17, 12, 4).  I am a nurse and I live near Philadelphia, Pa.  I was raised Catholic but my dad is Jewish so we celebrated both in our home. My spiritual journey has been knocking on Kabbalah’s door for awhile.  I’m ready to dive deep.



    • #427695

      Hi there! I have been studying Kabbalah for a couple of years now. I like taking courses on different platforms with different instructors… learning from different instructors with different perspectives and different ways of teaching is helpful for me. Often I learn new information that maybe I wasn’t ready to understand or absorb initially – that “click” now. You know that wonderful “AHA” moment 😊 🙏

    • #427683

      I’m searching for new directions, I heard about kabbalah for sometime now but I want to delve deeper on its meanings cause I just got in the surface and this course came to me.

    • #427682

      Hello, I’m david. I hope to increase my perspective about life by understanding the knowledge provided in this study. As a middle aged adult, I suppose it’s never too late.


Viewing 6 posts - 313 through 318 (of 6,426 total)
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