Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,187 through 3,192 (of 5,901 total)
  • Author
    • #299692

      Hello my name is luis felipe and I feel happy to be here and learn more about the cabala

      i curently live here in nicaragua central america

    • #299691

      my name is luis felipe and I live in nicaragua i would love to study and lean more about the kabala

    • #299686

      I am Leonor, originally from Guatemala. I have lived in the United States the last fifteen years. Long time ago learning about the Tarot I got some ideas about Kabbalah, and it was fascinating. I want to understand and learn about it because I think it will nourish my personal spirituality.

    • #299684

      Hi all here,

      my name is Sarah and I am in Switzerland.

      Facing with you all these times where we have difficulties with the pandemic times I have heard the call by our Creator to follow His path and I think that call is to come to study more Kabbalah. I studied few years ago for some times but did not get any sign to keep on. Now I got this sign, the call that He wants to accept me for Kabbalah wisdom to study.

      I am ready to take on the call

    • #299635
      Timothy Pauldon

      Hi Everyone! My name is Tim and I’m from Chicago, Illinois. I’ve been led to Kabbalah over the past 4-5 years of discovering for myself and where my spiritual practice feels it can develop the most. I have recently started semester 2 online via Youtube.

      I’m definitely hoping to make many Friends who want to share thoughts and ideas!

    • #299633
      Timothy Pauldon

      Hi, my name is Tim and I’m from Chicago. I’ve started the second semester on the Kabbalah courses via Youtube and really would like to find Friends to discover the true nature of spirituality!

Viewing 6 posts - 3,187 through 3,192 (of 5,901 total)
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