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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • Author
    • #299595

      Hi everyone, My name is IGNACIO, and I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina but moved to Ontario, Canada more than 23 years ago. I always felt very fortunate, I LOVE LIFE and live it to the max every second of each day I have. Even if I am far from being rich, God gave me the opportunity to travel all across the world. I visited more than 60 countries so far. I love to learn about other cultures and try to understand them. Relate to their existence. Have empathy for their suffering and try to practice true altruism if/when I can. I keep telling myself that we are all the same individual. I have leant to tame my Ego, to become wiser, to have my soul lead me and not my rational brain, for which I must confess is extremely strong and keeps wondering. Today although I LOVE LIFE so much, I find myself more and more disconnected from it. I have a DEEP DESIRE to return to the root, to surrender myself, and my individualism and to go back to the main essence of the Creator. I am truly thankful for the opportunity he gave me. This wonderful experience is called reality, yet a big part of me feels it’s time to go home. I guess I am experiencing more and more that tension, that gap between what you call Malchut and Keter and it is my DEEP DESIRE to evolve, to move beyond.

    • #299592

      Hi everyone, My name is Zahra, and I was born and raised in Pakistan (Currently living in the US.) Trying to figure out the meaning of life and my purpose. Having a difficult time connecting with God right now.

    • #299545

      Hi,my name is ban from Africa, I have been searching for the purpose of my existence over the years. The wisdom I required to change my world seems to be far fetched, I think studying kabbalah will solve this lingering problem.

    • #299533
      Sheryl Clein

      Shery from SA

    • #299532
      Sheryl Clein

      Hi my name is Shery from SA I love ❤️ learning about spiritual things

    • #299531
      Sheryl Clein

      Hi everyone. Thank you for the opportunity to get a better insight into Kabbalah. I am South African and I am studying to become a certified mindfulness coach. I have a background knowledge in TM meditation and Yoga. I am a seeker and have an insatiable desire to get to know more about the questions and answers of the universe. My main aims are

      • To become a more evolved person
      • To have a close bond with HaShem
      • To reach into the realm of light and love
      • To rid myself of anger and fear
      • To understand myself and others
      • To have security in my life knowing that I am ok


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