Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Start Here Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

  • This topic has 5,419 replies, 4,507 voices, and was last updated 1 hour ago by rajith.
  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,153 through 4,158 (of 5,275 total)
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    • #56765

      Hello my name is Timothy. I am 24. I have some natural talent as an artist, and a long story of how I got here. I have for a long time felt that there are people in this world who want more than this world has to offer, and I am glad to have found them here in this community.

      I know I am very closely driven by my ego, yet have always searched for a philosophy or perspective in which I wouldnt harm those around me and whats more benefit them with my actions. Sometimes I thought I had found it, but again and again found myself aligned with my ego trained to harm others and unable to move towards my lofty dreams. But here I find myself after discovering kabbalah and its wisdom and I have never felt more optimistic of getting there.

      For maybe half a year or so I have been learning about kabbalah initially through youtube, and now through KabU. I am very happy to be here, and eager to learn more. Thank you, and much love to you.

    • #56729

      I’ve been learning about different spiritual paths for the past decade, and had a lot of old judgements I had to release to open myself to considering them. In my search for one to commit to and practice deeply, I’ve found Kaballah resonates with many perspectives that feel true to me from my life:

      • that there’s nothing inherently wrong with us, our desires and impulses, and that they can be put into service of cosmic harmony without the need to suppress and judge them
      • there’s not good people and bad people, rather there is the capacity for acting in ways in accordance to or against harmony in all of us
      • this seemingly paradoxical realization that each of us being truly who we are (on all levels) somehow is what is also best for the whole
      • everything is perfect – the seemingly terrible things in the world are mysteriously part of this perfection, we just can’t see it

      I’m worried about the community of Kaballah practitioners being too small to be practical in my life. I think regular engagement with a spiritual community is necessary for a spiritual practice. I have the sense Kaballah is more niche, and I’m afraid to need to be online all the time to engagement with fellow practitioners, rather than meeting in person, which would be easier for more common spiritual practices (which unfortunately do not resonate with me as much). I’m going to give it a try to see what happens.

    • #56727
      Yao Chen

      Hi I am Yao. Love you all.

    • #56724
      Tefera Awetahegn

      Hi. I’m from Tigray. Have been here before; came again for a refresher.

    • #56723
      Tefera Awetahegn

      Hi. I’am from Tigray. Have been here before; came again for a refresher.

    • #56425
      Nico Dangond

      Hey everyone I’m Nico, I’m very excited to start the course!! I was raised a Catholic, then became an atheist for a long time. After some experiences I’ve began learning from all religions in the world. Kabbalah has always been very interesting to me, and just recently I learned I have Jewish ancestry which I never knew of. Wish you all the best!!

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