Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,141 through 4,146 (of 6,434 total)
  • Author
    • #292115
      Martin Day

      Hello Everyone,

      My name is Martin and I live in the Southeastern United States. I am looking forward to gaining more insight into Life’s Purpose.

    • #292113


      My name is Sarah,  live in the USA.  Week 3 was like a new birth for me. I’m expecting this course to open my spiritual mind beyond what I see and know now.

      Thank you

    • #291982
      علي حماده

      علي حماده سوري لا جئ   بلبنان

      • #292012
          <li style=”text-align: center;”>Hello my name is Hugh. I am entering a formative part of my life and wish to understand and know how to solve the problems I wish to solve. Understanding and Wisdom will accomplish this.
      • #292011

        <p style=”text-align: center;”>Hello my name is Hugh. I am entering a formative part of my life and wish to understand and know how to solve the problems I wish to solve. Understanding and Wisdom will accomplish this.</p>

      • #292010

        Hello my name is Hugh. I am entering a formative part of my life and wish to understand and know how to solve the problems I wish to solve. Understanding and Wisdom will accomplish this.

    • #291861

      Hello all,

      my name is Hooman I am from USA and I am 31 years old.
      I have always been curious about the wisdom behind the creation of this world and what its purpose was?
      I have been watching Gilad’s YouTube videos and they really made me think about life in general.
      looking forward to joining this great community.


    • #291839

      Hello everyone,

      My name is Fasil.

      I have been looking for answers to different life questions. WHO WE ARE? WHY WE ARE HERE? …

      I believe I am on the right track to answering such important questions.


    • #291776
      Luke Englund

      Hello, everyone!
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>My name is Luke, 32 years old, and live in southeastern Mississippi (US). I’ve spent 13 years searching religions, studying, practicing different forms of prayer, meditation & mindfulness, yoga, martial arts, and now I’m here and hoping to build the proper foundation for spiritual connection attainment through the Ancient Primordial Science. The content from Bnei Baruch has made a strong impression on me. Thank you for allowing me to be part of the group.</p>

      • #291951

        Your neighbor, Lisa, from Alabama here! These are scary yet EXCITING times. Happy and comforting to know there are like-minded others close by.  🙏❤️

        • #291952

          Lisa, from Alabama here.  Lost but found.  These are scary yet EXCITING times. Its comforting to know there are others of like-mind to connect with. 🙏❤️

Viewing 6 posts - 4,141 through 4,146 (of 6,434 total)
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