Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #190602

      Hi, my name is Euler Cardoso. I’m originally from Brazil, but I’ve been a Houstonian for the past 20 years.

      Since 8 years old I’ve been interested in the metaphysical and spiritual. Spent my whole life reading, studying, and joining groups that promised a certain understandings about the Universe. Well, this understanding never came ha! I studied psychology and philosophy in college and I’m about to do my Masters in theology and philosophy.

      I discovered Tony’s videos on youtube a few years ago, but I guess the moment was not right for me back then, but after a few nervous breakdowns I got on my knees and asked for help. Spiritually speaking, I know nothing, I am confused, I am lost, and I don’t know where to go, or what to do. After my prayer was over, the word Kabbalah came to mind, and I started my search again, so here I am. 🙂

      Without trying to put forth too many expectations, I hope that this introductory training will help me connect some dots in my mind regarding the heavy, existential questions of life, and that I can calm my mind and soul a little bit.

      Peace and Blessings.

      • #219110
        adina shaina

        Hello Euler

        First ;

        Secondly, you have come searching for the source. The saying “seek and you will find” is evident.

        Third – and now that the student is ready – behold! the teacher has arrived!

        Glad you are here with us, Euler. Together, as one, we will bring the world together.

        ~Adina Shaina

    • #190477

      Hi everyone,

      My name is Andreea and I’m joining from Berlin, Germany.

      Lately I’ve become aware of this me, me, me voice inside my head, everything is about me. It’s been really bothering me and it feels very isolating, limiting and annoying.

      By taking this course I hope to receive some guidance on how to see beyond it.

      Looking forward to meeting you all

    • #190472


      My name is Margo and I am looking forward to learning all I can to transform and grow in this lifetime.  I believe what I learn and can apply from the Kabbbalah will propel me forward in my journey to enlightenment and my mission of helping others to enlightenment.

      I plan to begin the counting of the Omer in January and want to learn as much as I can before then.

      Many thanks for this course!

    • #190450
      joey mitchell

      Hello my name is Joey I live in Bradenton florida and I am living in a time that is beyond words and it’s not going to continue so I want to have myself in the best possible I can be.

    • #190441

      Hello everyone,

      My name is David.

      I’m a 59 year old US Army veteran. I reside in Arlington, VA, just outside of Washington DC. My daughter introduced me to Kabbalah. I went online and checked it out and thought this may be interesting, so I joined to receive the free courses.

      Thanks for having me !


    • #190437
      Tiffany Ellis

      Hello Everyone! I’m here with the intention of gaining knowledge and wisdom that will be beneficial in my souls evolution!

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