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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,261 through 4,266 (of 6,424 total)
  • Author
    • #288488

      Hi I’m Erin and I’m interested in learning more about the structure and process to spiritual growth

    • #288480
      Noman Messi

      Hi,  I’m Noman. a Christian on the journey, kabbalah makes sense so I’m digging deeper.

    • #288463


    • #288458
      Michelle Jayne

      Hello!  I am Michelle Jayne. I have been bouncing around with studies for about three years. I hope to become a part of a tens group.

    • #288346

      Hi, I’m Courtney. I suffer intrusive memories caused by traumatic brain injury and it seems like everyone who encounters me treats me like I’m stupid, broken, or in need of help. So I am looking mostly for answers about that. It is like every time I try to do something nice, it is flipped around and seen as a help request. Folks constantly do things for me that I don’t want and which destroy my private plans, and yet don’t seem to do that for others. So I need to find out why.

    • #288287

      Hello, my name is Margaret (Maggie). I’ve been what could be termed a spiritual seeker since childhood. Raised by my Cherokee mother, my original experiences with Source were through a Native lens, but I could never stop seeking to know and experience more. My 57-year journey has seen me through Christianity, Buddhism, Jewish Paganism, Celtic Wicca, Druidism, and Unitarian Universalism. I found great wisdom and joy in all these paths, but I still kept searching, trying to understand many supposedly “mystical” experiences that I have had throughout my life. Not long ago, I found a deep connection with Taoism, mainly for the first line in the Tao Te Ching: “The Tao that can be named is not the true and eternal Tao” — an indication that when we try to name and define Source in order to share it with others, we cannot do so without bringing in our biases, our limited perceptions, and our egos. That is when I knew that whatever I was seeking I would only find if there were something that could help me learn to experience Source directly and without the need to personify it or make it fit into any one particular religious path. Through “accidentally” (as I believe there are no true accidents) coming upon videos on Hermeticism, Alchemy, and Kabbalah, I discovered KabU and what I believe to be the path I am meant to be on at this point and time in my journey. I feel more at peace now than I have in many, many years. I look forward to moving forward. Thank you.

      • #288627


        I am speechless

        what a great journey and thanks for sharing this with us 🙏🏼

Viewing 6 posts - 4,261 through 4,266 (of 6,424 total)
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