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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • Author
    • #52250

      Phil from Maryland, USA.  Raised Christian, but not  a regular church-goer.  Still, have always been very curious about various  religions and  philosophies.  Lots of  audio-books from Depak Chopra, but after listening to your YouTube videos, I was interested in the more active/thinking approach, than meditation characteristic of Eastern approaches.

      My only exposure to Kabbalah in the past was hearing that Lady Gaga was “into it”, and then freaked-out, and had to have people sleep with her at night because she was getting “spooked”.  Generally, Kabbalah is characterized as “dark Jewish magic” in things I’ve read, but I don’t believe everything I read.

      The YouTube videos have me “curious”…

    • #52249

      Shalom. Ani Solomon from Atuna, Yavan.

    • #52241


      My name is Kiran and I am from India. Trying to understand and learn more about Kabbalah.


    • #52225
      Silviya Salvador

      Hi to All, my name is Silviya and I am from Bulgaria

    • #52151

      Hi there!!
      I’m Ana, from Brazil. I’m 58 mother of 3, grandmother of 3 and I’ve been studying Kabbalah in waves since I was 30 years old…every time going deeper in the study. I’m really excited for this new immersion. Thank you for this opportunity!

    • #52110


      i am Yehudit from Australia. Have been longing for spirituality and looking in all religions – Christianity, Judaism.. I knew there is something deeper. I am very happy to know you don’t have to be 40 to start studying. I know it’s right. I am very exited to start learning

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