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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,603 through 4,608 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #223104
      Jose Ramon

      Hello everyone, my name is Jose Ramon. I have always had an interest in religion and philosophy and a curious mind. I am here to learn.

    • #223078

      Hello brothers and sisters. I am Tenzing from India. I am here to know about everything.

    • #223061

      Hi, I am Tara from Idaho (USA).  I am a tarot reader; and have been studying the Sefer Yetzirah to help enhance how a perceive the cards.  However, I am finding that all the different variations of the the tree of Life are rather confusing.  I was looking for Quabala resources; and happened to someone find this site.  It has intriqued me and so I have decided to stick around a bit and check it out.  Not sure how different this Christian empahsis (Kabbalah) vs. the Quabala will be.  Ready for the Kabbalah to be revealed.

    • #223048
      Dora Francis


      My name is Vernie and I am from Trinidad and Tobago which is an island in the Caribbean.  I am interesting in learning what is the fundamental principle guiding creation and all life; this I feel will help me understand myself, others the world around us and my purpose in it.

    • #223037

      Hi, my name is Marilza.  I am ready to change my inner-self expanding wisdom and moving towards my outer-self. I want to free my ego-self to the limitations of my five senses to experience wholeness. Thank you.

    • #223029
      Participant name is Simon…age 65 …just a truth seeker 🙂🥰

Viewing 6 posts - 4,603 through 4,608 (of 6,419 total)
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