Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,597 through 4,602 (of 5,901 total)
  • Author
    • #60186


    • #60144
      Cha’Von Joell

      Hello. I’m CJ and I am very interested in learning more about Kabbalah in my personal quest towards holistic spirituality and to empower others through life coaching ventures.

    • #60111

      Hello ! I am Sayeed Ehsanullah Rahyaab from Afghanistan. I have already participated in an enjoyable lesson (Zohar) and received a certificate. I hope I can use this field well.
      A serious problem I am facing, I want to share with my teachers and friends. I hope my friends understand me and fulfill their humanitarian responsibility in human society.

      For a week now, the situation here has been extremely bad due to the establishment of the terrorist Taliban government in Afghanistan. I am under severe threat because I am a civil society activist. Thousands of people leave their homeland every day through their friends, and you may see this as well. If my friends and professors help me to save me from the clutches of terrorists by informing the governments of the United States, Britain, Canada or any other European country that is moving people from Afghanistan to a safe place, it will be a great service to me, my family and humanity.

      My Imail : [email protected]

      WhatsApp: +93703165958

      My phone number: +93790965414

      Thank you

    • #60110

      Hello ! I am Sayeed Ehsanullah Rahyaab from Afghanistan. I have already participated in an enjoyable lesson (Zohar) and received a certificate. I hope I can use this field well.
      A serious problem I am facing, I want to share with my teachers and friends. I hope my friends understand me and fulfill their humanitarian responsibility in human society.

      For a week now, the situation here has been extremely bad due to the establishment of the terrorist Taliban government in Afghanistan. I am under severe threat because I am a civil society activist. Thousands of people leave their homeland every day through their friends, and you may see this as well. If my friends and professors help me to save me from the clutches of terrorists by informing the governments of the United States, Britain, Canada or any other European country that is moving people from Afghanistan to a safe place, it will be a great service to me, my family and humanity.

      My Imail : [email protected]

      WhatsApp: +93703165958

      My phone number: +93790965414

      Thank you

    • #60081

      Hi, my name is Josh. I’m from Memphis, Tennessee (United States). I have been studying Hermetic philosophy lately, but a friend had also recommended looking into Kabbalah because she thinks it would be something that could bring me a new perspective of reality.. From what little I have read into it so far, it seems she was right. I am quickly becoming fascinated with the ideas I have read about, and I’m very much looking forward to learning the fundamentals about this system. Thanks, KabU, for the opportunity that has been provided with this course!</p>

    • #60080

      Hi, my name is Josh. I’m from Memphis, Tennessee (United States). I have been studying Hermetic philosophy lately, but a friend had also recommended looking into Kabbalah because she thinks it would be something that could bring me a new perspective of reality.. From what little I have read into it so far, it seems she was right. I am quickly becoming fascinated with the ideas I have read about, and I’m very much looking forward to learning the fundamentals about this system. Thanks, KabU, for the opportunity that has been provided with this course!

Viewing 6 posts - 4,597 through 4,602 (of 5,901 total)
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