Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,723 through 4,728 (of 6,424 total)
  • Author
    • #219864
      King Nerri

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>I’m KING NERRI of the Philippines and very willing to. learn about Judaism and the Kabbalah. I’m on my way to the journey to Judaism. I’m very fortunate and bless.</p>

    • #219846

      Hi there! My name is Satchitananda Antonios Tsarmpos . I have been study Kabbalah through Esoteric brotherhoods and Orders. Here you can see some more info about myself :

      Advaita Vedanta – Ashram Europe (

      Love and Light to “all”/mySelf


    • #219832

      Good evening if you’re reading.  I’ve been learning about mysticism on and off for about one year now and have found this course through youtube. I’m aiming to brush up on the knowledge I’ve already acquired and fill in gaps of knowledge before moving on to the ‘next step’.

      Have a great night,


    • #219831

      Hello I’m Tania, I have been  on a spiritual journey for few years since 2015. I had a very spiritual awakening dream  on 13 nov 2015  at 4am in morning. My life completely changed from that day.which has led me on a journey to find G-d and know who I am . I was bought up a christian and am being led me to find answers to find truth and know G-d and find that oneness with the creator who is love. I’m hoping this course with provide a deeper understanding of the mystical teachings that have been hidden

    • #219829
      O Light

      Hello everyone! My name is Taylor. I’m elated about learning more of Kabbalah, Zohar, Mishnah, Jewish mysticism, and rabbinic wisdom. Shalom.

    • #219794

      Hi there! My name is Márcia and I have been interested on Kaballah for quite a while but never took a serious step into the learning. It was just a few weeks ago the loss of my mom to cancer get me started questioning myself like… it must be there something more deep to this life than just a great career, a good house and a fulfilled relationship…

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