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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,729 through 4,734 (of 6,426 total)
  • Author
    • #219829
      O Light

      Hello everyone! My name is Taylor. I’m elated about learning more of Kabbalah, Zohar, Mishnah, Jewish mysticism, and rabbinic wisdom. Shalom.

    • #219794

      Hi there! My name is Márcia and I have been interested on Kaballah for quite a while but never took a serious step into the learning. It was just a few weeks ago the loss of my mom to cancer get me started questioning myself like… it must be there something more deep to this life than just a great career, a good house and a fulfilled relationship…

    • #219788

      Hello, my name is Mariela. I’ve always been intrigued by Kabbalah and a few years ago an astro Kabbalah friend made my astrological karmic chart based in past lives. It was very useful and interesting since he combines astrology and Kabbalah and somehow made me start thinking about studying it seriously. A friend of my daughter is doing the course now and is very happy.

      I’m ready to start!!!!!

    • #219569


      l’m Anthony (Tony),

      I’ve encountered many references to Kabbalah over the years, but only had  vague and nebulous ideas about it.

      This is the first time that I’ve seen it presented in a way that makes sense to me.
      I feel so excited. It’s as though I’ve found what I’ve been looking for all my life.

    • #219519

      Hi, my name is Tim and I love studying Tenak and my eldest son has started studying Kabbalah and what he has told me has piqued my interest as he has always considered me as being a mentor of sorts.

      Both of us have an interest in things spiritual so I am here to learn more and hopefully be able to apply the wisdom to my own life.

    • #219406
      Sam Ben-Yosaif

      My name is Samuel Ben-Yosaif, I’m a Jew who used to live in Israel. I want to be closer to G-d. I want to find the truth about G-d, and my Rabbi said that Kabbalah is the ultimate way to be close to Hashem and understand the nature of reality, life, and how to live a life of holiness. I’m willing to dedicate everything to this. In my understanding, HaKadosh Baruch Hu gave us the Kabbalah before he gave us Judaism, and the only thing I want in this life is to know Him, and understand what we’re all doing here.

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