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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,047 through 5,052 (of 6,439 total)
  • Author
    • #63229

      Hello , I’m Daniel from Nigeria. I have a burning desire to know my Creator and grow spiritually that’s why I’m believe the wisdom of Kabbalah will help me to attain to my goal. Thanks

    • #63188
      Coralyn Vega

      Shalom, Mayim here. Holistic Life Coach who appreciates Kabbalistic insights.

    • #63177

      Hi I’m Peter, I’m a mystic who always is looking for ways to become a better human being and understanding more of this miracle called life.

      My maternal grandfather was born in Tzfat but ended up in Denmark where I’m from. Five months ago I had a dream of three Rabbis from my ancestral line and when I woke up I knew I had to study the Kaballah, so here I am with all my desires ready to go!

    • #63176

      Hi I’m Peter, I’m a mystic who always are looking for ways to become a better human being.

      My maternal grandfather was born in Tzfat but ended up in Denmark where I’m from. Five months ago I had a dream of three Rabbis from my ancestral line and when I woke up I knew I had to study the Kaballah, so here I am with all my desires.

    • #63175

    • #63174

      Hi there! My name is Theresa. Everyone calls me Tree. I’m from Columbus Ohio. I’m a Scorpio. I’ve been a seeker since I was a kid. Always wanting to know more and aggravating my parents/teachers with so many questions. Always feeling there was something missing and more to learn. I love camping, nature walks and the color orange. And I’m pretty sure I love trees more than I love people. The only place I ever feel like I’m right where I need to be is when I’m outdoors in the middle of nowhere at one with nature. I read a lot of books and I’ve owned my own notary business for 6 years now. Which I love because I enjoy being of service to others and helping any way that I can.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,047 through 5,052 (of 6,439 total)
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