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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,041 through 5,046 (of 6,438 total)
  • Author
    • #63295

      Hello my name is Daniel Matthias. I’m from Nigeria, I’m truth seeker and someone who wants to connect my Creator and know Him. That’s why I’m into Kabbalah study.


      Daniel Matthias


    • #63268

      I am Bob in SW Florida. I have been studying MANY things for quite sometime, pretty much alone.  Now, it seems, it is time to both narrow my focus and join other who have spent time in THIS realm. I have seen MANY of the vids on the YouTube channel and read several of the books by some of the Sages of this lineage. It is time to put the material to work

    • #63267

      I am Bob in SW Florida. I have been studying MANY things for quite sometime, pretty much alone.  Now, it seems, it is time to both narrow my focus and join other who have spent time in THIS realm. I have seen MANY of the vids on the YouTube channel and read several of the books by some of the Sages of this lineage. It is time to put the material to work.

    • #63266

      Hello! I’m Grace from Canada, and I’m reading “The Book of Knowlege, the Keys of Enoch” and trying to assimilate the information. The Keys mention the Zohar and the Zohar Body and I want to learn more. Looking up Zohar online led me to this website. I am looking forward to acquiring another piece to the puzzle about how this world really works and what/why things are happening as they are. Also, I’m a healer that works with energy and learning more helps me help others.

    • #63232

      Hello everyone! My names are Timothy Kayola and I am from Zambia.

      With a burning desire which has had no satisfaction in years  of my life I have wondered from book to book seeking the deepest knowledge that can answer the questions of life yet with nothing but a belief that somewhere in this world lies a knowledge that is vividly spoken about yet in the heart of it I believe lies answers of my 6th sense and help me open the door to a light of peace for all.


    • #63229

      Hello , I’m Daniel from Nigeria. I have a burning desire to know my Creator and grow spiritually that’s why I’m believe the wisdom of Kabbalah will help me to attain to my goal. Thanks

Viewing 6 posts - 5,041 through 5,046 (of 6,438 total)
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