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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,059 through 5,064 (of 6,438 total)
  • Author
    • #63084

      Hello my name is Daniel, I’m a Christian but not a very good one. I’ve been trying to dive deeper into the bible and was intrigued by Jesus’ statement ” we know what we worship because salvation is from the Jews”. I’ve been trying to understand and learn about how to live a more spiritual life and to love and know God more and also my neighbors. Also I’m not very good with computers.

    • #63057
      Raza Khan

      hello, my name is raza ever since childhood I have been wondering about reality believing in other dimensions finally I am at the door of unveiling excited.

    • #63016

      Hello! I’m very excited to be here and very thankful that all this wonderful information is so readily available for free. I feel very connected to a higher divine source that moves me to tears everyday. After having some profound dreams, my spiritual quest lead me here! I want to make more sense of the experiences I’ve had, and learn how to disseminate it out so that others may also get to know it.

    • #63002

      My Name is Rita. I knew when I arrived on this planet that I had been here many times before. I am now 58 my life has been more than interesting. I have spent years in several practices beginning my childhood in the black church in constant opposition with the reverend because I spoke to spirits that he couldn’t see. LOL. I read Tarot cards when I was 9 until I no longer needed them and a gentleman showed me a drawing of the tree of life and said to me that this was what I really wanted to understand. Over the years I skimmed a few books about Kabbalah but never dived in completely. Now I am ready.

    • #62995
      T Sharnii

      Hi My name is Tsharnii from the Anguilla, British West Indies,

      I am on my life’s path and I am now knocking at this door. As a child i would wander through the bush and I constantly felt there was a door close by but i could not find the handle. I’m Here!!

    • #62994
      T Sharnii

      Hi My name is Tsharnii from the Anguilla, British West Indies,

      I am on my life’s path and I am now knocking at this door. As a child i would wander through the bush and I constantly felt there was a door close by but i could not find the handle. I’m Here!!

Viewing 6 posts - 5,059 through 5,064 (of 6,438 total)
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