Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #59176

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Me kyea obiara fre Gaana (Greetings from Ghana, everybody)!</p>
      I’m Isaac (friends call me Kato).

      I’m excited to have this once in a lifetime opportunity to become truly liberated, and doubly grateful for the privilege of meeting great individuals like y’all to share in with.


      May THE FORCE be with us all!💪

    • #59165
      W Geiger

      Hello My name is Wendy. I want to know more about the true meaning of the Tree of Life and Kabbalah. I often see references to this and would like to understand the actual meaning rather than misinterpreted symbols.

    • #59154

      Hello my name is Hristo and I am based in Bulgaria.

      I am honored to be part of this course and to finally experience this knowledge.

    • #59134
      nerissa Oplado

      Hello everyone ! I am Nerissa L. Oplado , a Noachide from Philippines . Baruch Hashem for this priveledge of studying Kabbalah . Thank you for our Mentor who will be teaching us and did great effort for sharing the wisdom of Kabbalah Shalom !

    • #59133
      nerissa Oplado

      Hello everyone ! I am Nerissa L. Oplado , a Noachide from Philippines . Baruch Hashem for this priveledge of studying Kabbalah . Thank you for our Mentor who will be teaching us and did great effort for sharing the wisdom of Kabbalah Shalom !

    • #59132
      nerissa Oplado

      Hello everyone! I am Nerissa L. Oplado , a Noachide from Philippines . Baruch Hashem for this wonderful study of Torah and be connected to Elohim. Shabbat Shalom !

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