Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,209 through 5,214 (of 6,423 total)
  • Author
    • #58740

      Hi, my name is Megan from the US. I’m hoping to gain understanding of the purpose and meaning of life. Looking forward to joining everyone on this journey & grateful for this course and platform!

    • #58739

      Hello all,

      My name is Dipti. Hope we all find what we’re looking for in this life and after . Regards.

    • #58712
      Sarah Ngugi nzeki
        <li style=”text-align: left;”>Hey members, am Sarah ,kenyan but i leave in Uganda. My aim is to learn how to connect correctly with others , attain truth….in all my experiences and to hopefully cross the burrier into spirituality. Thanks 😊
    • #58696
      Don Taylor

      Hello, My name is Don. I live in Hawaii / U.S.  I have been on this great journey most of my life now. Along the way I have been guided along the way receiving knowledge and wisdom in a  gradual manner, building upon the previous lessons. I believe I’ve been led to your course as my next step. I’m looking “forward” very much.

    • #58687
      Adina Plesa

      Hi, I am Adina from Romania and I am really willing to go deep into Kabbalah, for the wisdom it brings.

    • #58683
      Adina Plesa

      Hi, I am Adina from Romania and I am really willing and think ut s time to go deep into Kabbalah. I wanna get more wisdom.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,209 through 5,214 (of 6,423 total)
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