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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,221 through 5,226 (of 6,423 total)
  • Author
    • #58597

      Hello friends, old and new: I am a great admirer of R’ Laitman’s writing and his commitment to teaching authentic Jewish knowledge to the world.

    • #58591
      Ali Nadalipour

      Hi.i m ali from Iran a little city calld borujerd.educated in Persian music.have big questions hope to get answers here.39 years old married and have a nice girl Elena . very appreciated being here

    • #58544

      Hello! I’m Nicole from the USA. I’ve been studying Judaism and the Kabbalah as apart of my spiritual journey to learn more about the world.

    • #58532

      Hi I’m Maddi! I’ve been studying world religions most of my adult life. I’m hoping to further my knowledge of Kabbalah as it is part of my ancestry. Looking forward to this course! Thank you.

    • #58520
      Elijah PineNut

      Hi! My names Elijah I’m from western New York. Recently I’ve had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge especially regarding the occult. This isn’t a new interest though. I experienced loss very young and I think that planted the seed of ” whats next “. But the draw this past year has been very strong. I’m looking forward to being a part and learning from this interesting new community!

    • #58378
      Isaac Phiri

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>My name is Isaac Phiri I have been a student of the Bible for many years. l felt like there was deeper meaning to it. This led to seek the purpose of existence of everything. I began to ask question of which l could not get answers, then l was led to the teachings of Neville Goddard , Dr  Joseph Murphy and Tony Kosinec which got me interest in Kabbalah. I desire to learn the secret of my existence and to be connected to the source of life for the greater good.</p>

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