Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,311 through 5,316 (of 5,895 total)
  • Author
    • #49792
      Arnab Goswami

      Hello, I am Arnab, I reached here because I was finding this power no matter what it was called in different ages, I was looking for it so determinedly.

      Thank you so soo much team, keep up the good work. Thank yo..

    • #49785


      Rehan Fasih here. I want to learn Kabbalah.

    • #49771

      Hi everyone,

      My name is Clinton.

      Currently living in New York.

      On a journey to discovering more about myself and the purpose of life, why I am here?

    • #49768
      siR_Me Mburu

      Hello participants

    • #49766
      Elloise Van Rooyen

      Hi everyone,

      I am Elloise and I hail from South Africa. I am very keen on learning about this for a better me and a better you. Also to debunk all the myths surrounding Kabbala.


    • #49730
      Konam Isaac

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hello beautiful people,</p>
      My name is Isaac from Ghana

      I am here to learn about the universe and all the things it holds

Viewing 6 posts - 5,311 through 5,316 (of 5,895 total)
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