Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,569 through 5,574 (of 6,426 total)
  • Author
    • #51595
      Maria Lopes

      Hi Everyone,

      I am Maria from Portugal.

      I’ve read a little bit about Kabbalah and want to know more.

    • #51593
      Milos Vlatkovic

      Hi everyone,

      I’m a seeker aiming at and reaching for the Divine while trying to stay rooted to the “ground”. Psychotherapist in search for highest possible view point at psychology and life itself.

    • #51585
      Milos Vlatkovic

      Hi everyone,

      You could say I am a seeker, aiming at and reaching for the Divine while trying to ground myself firmly into the material aspect of  existence. I’m also psychologist and geschtalt psychotherapist but I would like to see psychology and psychotherapy as well as life itself from a highest possible perspective, and achieve maximum of spiritual development in ongoing incarnation.

    • #51564


      I expect to find power and knowledge of understanding everything that surrounds us.

    • #51531

      Hi, we are Larry and Gail from South Africa studying together. Our expectations of the course is to learn how to BECOME and connect with all people who are also seeking enlightenment.

    • #51530
      Arthur Burton

      Hello all-

      Arthur from Florida in the United States here.

      I have been curious about Kabbalah for awhile, checked it out over 20 years ago….

      Looking for more peace and less suffering!

Viewing 6 posts - 5,569 through 5,574 (of 6,426 total)
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