Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,647 through 5,652 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #51202
      Abu Yildirim

      Dear Friends

      How are you, this is Qasim and I belong to Pakistan working in trading company as an office assistant.

      As for as Kabalah is concerned that will be unique experience for me to learn regarding life and what’s secret behind it. I anticipate that your support and motivation enhance my thoughts to get the pinnacle of success.

      Truly Yours.





    • #51201
      Voldsom Kraft

      Hello everyone, I am Voldsom Kraft and I look forward to learning with you. I am 34, live in Renton, Washington and am neuro divergent. In my spare time I like to forage or swim but life is often to busy or my chronic pain gets in the way. Often I just watch a little anime or listen to music to help me fall asleep. There is a purple rhododendron right outside my window so I get morning serenades from the strawberry finches. I love that.

    • #51196
      Ammad Ahmed

      Assalamualaikum fellows . I’m Amaad Ahmed from Pakistan. Bachelor in Soil Science . I’m 23 years old and now I’m member of this Program.


    • #51194
      Swarna Kumari G

      I am Suvarna and excited to learn many deeper things from these classes…

    • #51192

      Hello dear friends, I am dynamic. And I live in Iran

    • #51191


Viewing 6 posts - 5,647 through 5,652 (of 6,419 total)
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