Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #51175

      Hello, I’m Nick and I live in London. I am deeply interested in spirituality, and have been looking at various ways to draw closer to God for many years. In more recent times I’ve been drawn to mysticism and ancient wisdom.

      I have always felt that if I could just figure out my place in the world and my reason for being here, then I could do more to add light … we certainly need more light.

      It’s lovely to be here and to have an opportunity to go through the course..  and to do it with fellow seekers.

      Much love.

    • #51170

      I am Lakshminarasimhan from India. I want to learn about kabalah methodology.

    • #51169

      I am Lakshminarasimhan from India. Constantly questing for divine knowledge and get to know about the secrets of universe. I am here to learn about kabalah methodology.

    • #51167

      Greetings fellow classmates! My name Is Kamla, from the USA. Looking forward to this class and learning a lot.

    • #51152

      I am Asfi Malik and I want to learn about it

    • #51151

      Hi, my name is Lucas, I’m from Brazil, 21 years old, started studying kabbalah a year ago, I’ve already been transformed in soo many ways, already confronting the pharao, my ego, it is not an easy task but it is worth the hard work. I’ve been studying magick, occultism, mysticism, different religions since boyhood, I do not believe everything I hear and see, I use much of my rationality to get a big picture of everything and try to correlate every wisdom and knowledge of all the different civilizations of past and present. Every day that passes I give less importance to the material aspects of this world, been acting like a sage for a time now, isolated from people, it is not that I like the loneliness, but it is difficult to find people more or less like me around here. I’ve tried to teach and discuss things with my family and colleagues but they never understand or give importance to what I teach, soo I’ve learned the hard way that teaching those who are not awakened is a waste of time and it is even harder to find those who are awakening from sleep. Also, I know that to progress in spirituality I must be in contact with those that share this same goal, the connection with the force of reality, and the improvement of myself. Well, that’s why I’m here right.

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