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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,767 through 5,772 (of 6,438 total)
  • Author
    • #50502
      Mohit Gupta


      I am Mohit from India. Although I am from corporate world but have deep interest in spirituality. I always had desire to learn about Kaballah and somehow universe heard it. Now I am today here introducing myself with similar group.
      <p style=”text-align: right;”>Thanks.</p>

    • #50495

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hlo my name is shabthab.iam from india and iam very interesting to learn about kabbalah and how this kabbalah make lightning to our life, make a meaningful life.</p>

    • #50491
      GM Ashif

      I am Ashif, i am from Bangladesh. Working as an accountant in a chemical company in Bangladesh. I have completed my MBA in Finance & Banking. I live in a big joint family.

    • #50460

      Am Obotuko Ikpe from Ibibio tribe of Nigeria extraction. I hold Ph.D Phils &NMed. I’ve for had interest in studying the spiritual dynamics of the universe but lacking much in contacting appropriate channel and also couple with finances.

      Am glad I come by this page today and I am hopeful to take advantage of the offer.

      Thanks so much

      Obotuko Ikpe

    • #50459
      Science Care

      Hello there

      I heard about kabbalah. To explore more drives me here.

    • #50451

      I signed up for this course before, but here I am. Back again. My name is LB and I reside in Mountain View, CA. USA. I am a salesperson but with a spiritual bend before reality. I am here to learn, connect and enjoy the ride.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,767 through 5,772 (of 6,438 total)
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