
  • #325621

    Gil Shir

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 28 total)
  • Author
    • #337876
      Elle Lynn

      Thank you, feel honored to be here learning with everyone.

    • #337454

      Hi, I am Sandor; I am here to learn Hebrew and see the spiritual meaning and roots of the language. I am also interested in learning everyday Hebrew and Biblical Hebrew to deepen my knowledge of Kabbalah and the culture.

    • #336985

      Hi, I am David. I have signed up 3 courses from Gil. Excited to learn Hebrew. I hear the this language is different in the sense that it wasn’t invented but discovered in the spiritual realm. Nice to meet you all!!

    • #336157
      Vinicio Flores

      I’m called Vinicio Flores from Costa Rica but I am in the process of Giyur (conversion to Judaism) a decision I took because I want it, and I’m joined to a Orthodox Jewish community down here in our capital city, it’s called Keter Aryeh and my Rabbi is Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Pirjei Shoshanim headed by HaRav Naftali Espinoza. My Rabbi is Shaul Wigoda Teitelbaum. I want to learn fluent Hebrew in all its forms, and be ready to be a good observant Jew.

    • #334501

      Hi, my name is Robert. I am a data analyst and want to learn how to speak Hebrew.

    • #333787

      Hello, my name is Rose, a student in KabU. I am a senior citizen, which sometimes has its advantages, but technology and learning retention are more challenging than when I was 20 years younger. Gilad iis an outstanding instructor and I am most eager to take this course under hihis direction! Thank you, Gilad.

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 28 total)
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