
  • #325600

    Gil Shir

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 41 total)
  • Author
    • #331616

      my name is marcy.  can’t wait to learn to read hebrew.

    • #331014
      George Garcia

      I am George, I’m hoping to increase my Hebrew reading skills through this course

    • #330079
      Valerie Parker

      Hi everyone!

      My name is Valerie and I live in Arizona. I am interested in reading Hebrew scripture in the original Hebrew and in addition, I would eventually like to become fluent in modern Hebrew.
      I also look forward to learning more about the hidden mystical meaning of Hebrew letters.

    • #329927

      I have been interested in Hebrew the last few months. I have no expectations of what I’m going to discover, but I do believe it will be fun to explore.

    • #329493

      My name is Pam.  I am from Ohio.  I am excited to start this course.  I learned some basic Hebrew many years ago and can read a little, but don’t understand what I’m reading.  I hope to learn how to read, write, understand and speak Hebrew from this course.

    • #328332
      rosemarie tropf

      My name is Rosemarie.  I am a KabU student.  I want to learn Hebrew to read and write.  I love learning languages but this language is connected to ancient texts and that sparks my  interest.  I feel a connection to it for some reason I cannot explain. I am not Jewish, I have many Jewish friends who do not speak or write the language.  So I cannot explain why but I am pulled to do this.  Thank  you  for doing this course for my benefit and others.

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 41 total)
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