Preparation Prompt: Considering our journey thus far, how can we fortify our connection with the illuminating force? How do we amplify its transformative influence?

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  • #41570

    Preparation Prompt: Considering our journey thus far, how can we fortify our connection with the illuminating force? How do we amplify its transformative influence?

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    • #429852

      a lab or vessel/ kabbilistic group to develop ourselves

    • #429639
      Nikole Roehl


    • #429405

      To fortify means to strengthen. One way I could strengthen my connection with the Creator is to give to others, to think of others, to pray for others. If I could somehow put them before me, maybe transformation could then happen within me.

    • #427218
      Leila Havran

      To deepen our connection with the illuminating force, we must attune our intention to its essence that is giving and unity. As we rise above personal desire and align with a higher purpose, this force becomes more present within us. Its transformative power grows in the measure that we embrace bestowal and seek harmony with others.

    • #426962

      We could fortify our connection with the illuminating force being conscience about that force and just communicate all the time with Creator like you talk to a person. We make questions about any situation in our lives and feel the answer from Creator.

      I did and I do that. It works, but, sometimes, the answer is delayed, which I understand. But, sometimes, the answer is close to me, but so different than the rules and…. it is difficult to take action…


    • #426856

      We can fortify our connections with the illuminating force by drawing to us the light that reforms. We do this by building our desire for connection and correction through study, mitzvot among the friends, setting our intention, and building our masachs and reminding ourselves that there’s none else besides Him. We can reflect on our reactions to experiences and people. This takes mindfulness.

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