Preparation Prompt: Considering our journey thus far, how can we fortify our connection with the illuminating force? How do we amplify its transformative influence?

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  • #41570

    Preparation Prompt: Considering our journey thus far, how can we fortify our connection with the illuminating force? How do we amplify its transformative influence?

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  • Author
    • #337831
      Karen Assayag


    • #337416

      I’ve learned that the ‘point in the heart’ is a seed that can only grow under the sunlight of connecting with others. Others as in those on the same path. I’ve also learned that once in a great while I can express a kabalistic principle subtly to others and find comfortable agreement. I know I can’t explain anything to anyone. The light that’s growing inside me will shine on its own and hopefully positively affect others.

    • #335826

      Before my studies with Kabbalah I already knew that everything was connected and came from God. Since my studies with KabU I’ve learned how to work without judgement or ego so that I may better climb the ladder and also connect with others.

    • #335624
      Esther Benzaquen

      Through Kabbalah, we can understand our ego that prevents connection with others. In this way, we can strengthen the light that reforms.

    • #335514
      Jack Davidsen

      Julian, you ask: “From everything we’ve learned until now, what can we say about our work with the light that reforms?”

      Are you referring to our work with the Light that Reforms now, that we have become students of Kabbalah, or are you thinking in terms of our life up until now, including our recent months during which we have been studying Kabbalah?

      One thing I would point to is that now we have begun to work with the Reforming Light from a conscious perspective, while in the past we also worked with the Reforming Light, we just weren’t aware of it – at least not in the way that we are (or are beginning to be and do so) now.

      So you might sum it up this way: The Reforming Light always works with you, but as students of Kabbalah we can work consciously with the Reforming Light, so now it is mutual, we work with the Reforming Light and the Reforming Light continues to work with us. I’d argue that this puts us – and therefore the world – at an incredible advantage. At a personal level, it means we can achieve Equivalence of Form much, much faster than we might have ever thought possible.

      The second part of your question: “By what means can we strengthen the influence of the reforming light?”

      I will just put it very short this time: Books, Teacher, and Ten* (or a Lab**).

      * = A Ten is a group of people who work with Kabbalah together in “real-time”.

      ** = I still hear people in KabU’s videos use the term ‘Ten’. So I think perhaps the word ‘Lab’ refers to a group setting that we use before we find, or get introduced, to the group that we will work with consistently and in the long term. I think that this final group is what we call a Ten.

      • #335516
        Jack Davidsen


        Julian, you ask: “From everything we’ve learned until now, what can we say about our work with the light that reforms?”

        Are you referring to our work with the Light that Reforms now, that is after we have become students of Kabbalah? Or are you thinking about our work with the Reforming Light throughout all of our lives up until now, including our recent months of studying Kabbalah?

        One thing I would point to is this: Now we have begun to work with the Reforming Light from a conscious perspective, whereas in the past we did also work with the Reforming Light, but we weren’t aware of it – at least not the way that we are becoming aware of, and beginning to consciously work with the Reforming Light, now.

        So you might sum it up this way: The Reforming Light always works with you, but as students of Kabbalah we can work consciously with the Reforming Light, so now it is mutual, we work with the Reforming Light and the Reforming Light continues to work with us. At a personal level, it means we can achieve Equivalence of Form much, much faster than we might have ever thought possible.

        The second part of your question: “By what means can we strengthen the influence of the reforming light?”

        I will just put it very short this time: Books, Teacher, and Ten* (or a Lab**).


        * = A Ten is a group of people who work with Kabbalah together in “real-time”.

        ** = I still hear people in KabU’s videos use the term ‘Ten’. So I think perhaps the word ‘Lab’ refers to a group setting that we use before we find, or get introduced, to the group that we will work with consistently and in the long term. I think that this final group is what we call a Ten.

    • #335437

      Through society (other points in the hearts), the books, and the teacher

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