Preparation Prompt: Considering our journey thus far, how can we fortify our connection with the illuminating force? How do we amplify its transformative influence?

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  • #41570

    Preparation Prompt: Considering our journey thus far, how can we fortify our connection with the illuminating force? How do we amplify its transformative influence?

Viewing 6 posts - 139 through 144 (of 364 total)
  • Author
    • #333177

      Only accept what I can handle and ask for help to develop my intention to give,  illuminating areas within me that need to be elevated. Put into practice the methods of connection and bestowal.

    • #333085
      Dennis Ibrahim

      Through the point in the heart, the Creator helps me to find the wisdom of Kaballah which teaches me the correct methodologies through which I can serve the Creator and attain Dvekut with the King.

    • #333063

      I was originally created as spiritual Kli-a “Desire to Receive” the Light that the Creator wishes to bestow on his creation.  But because of the “Shattering” of this Kli, of the unified Soul of Adam Ha Rishon, I have descended to this corporeal world as separate “piece” of that soul enclothed in a corporeal body, feeling like a totally separate individual, having no awareness of the Soul of Adam Ha Rishon, with no real connection to anyone or anything.

      Even with the awakening of my Point in the Heart (an egoistic desire in need of correction), I am a desire to receive– completely under the control and domination of the force of the ego. I am  100% the polar opposite of The Creator (the force of unconditional Love & Bestowal).

      Having an ever-growing ego, I continue desiring to receive more and more for myself, without regard for (or an ability to grasp) the negative effect this is having on the entire planet and all its inhabitants. Even if  I think I want change my nature to an Altruistic nature (to be in equivalence of form with the Creator), I cannot do it myself. Only by drawing the Reforming Light from above can I change my nature. And to do that (in the best & quickest way possible), I need (1) the right books, (2) the right teacher and (3) connection with the right Group.

    • #333060
      Damjan Stanek

      Strengthening the influence of the reforming light involves aligning oneself with spiritual principles and engaging in practices that foster spiritual growth and awakening. I don’t think I am at the stage where I could make a huge progress by means of correction without external help.

    • #333054

      Kabbalah, Teacher, Group.

      Attract the Light by placing ourselves into those 3 areas and always being aware of the right intention in everything.

    • #333048

      I’m not able to make corrections and changes on my own/by my own.

      I need the correct teacher, the correct books and the correct environment.

      Thank you for providing the 3 elements to make it possible!!

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