Preparation Prompt: Considering our journey thus far, how can we fortify our connection with the illuminating force? How do we amplify its transformative influence?

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  • #41570

    Preparation Prompt: Considering our journey thus far, how can we fortify our connection with the illuminating force? How do we amplify its transformative influence?

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 364 total)
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    • #411869

      We can speed up the process by connecting with the 10, reading, intentionally loving your neighbors as you love yourself, remind yourself that we are all one, therefore if you are loving your neighbors you are actually loving the Creator by doing what the Creator does.   By mimicking the Creator intentionally you draw closer to the light.

    • #411700
      Chloe Lymburner

      Attract the light by reading, and connect with friends. We can start by acting as if we are doing things out of altruism, within the 10.

    • #410318
      Enrique Rojas

      Estudiando la sabiduría de la Kabbalah en un entorno apropiado podemos fortalecer nuestra conexión con la luz que reforma.

    • #410033
      Ka Bubot

      With the intention of giving pleasure to the Creator, we need to keep on studying through our books and with the help of our teachers. Then we go to our laboratory to apply what we have learned. That laboratory is our connection with friends to reveal the Reforming Light to correct our desires. Through the group we can reveal our true intentions outside our ego to be in adhesion to our Creator.

    • #409835
      Philip Iyov Ecks

      we need to connect to those around us, to choose the right environment in which to learn and grow with others in groups of ten.


    • #408318

      For us to strengthen our connection with The Creator we need to read the right books and connect to others whose point in the heart has been awakened.

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 364 total)
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