Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

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    • #333981

      In my experience, the deep desire to communicate, to know what my true path is out of suffering is what brought me to “get in touch with the upper force.” My grandmother told me when I was just 3 or 4 years old that there was someone I couldn’t see who loved me dearly, wanted me to be safe and was always there for me to talk to. That was so important because of things I was going through. I’m 70 years old now. This first lesson into spirituality from my grandmother has never left me.

    • #333889

      By being kind to everyone who crosses your path and being grateful for everything that happens to you.

    • #333885

      Talking from my experience, I think can be done, we must be light in desires, open in mind, ready to be some time blind folded, and patience. I know that Kabala kind that rip us out of any “Physical” experience expectation and been true, there are thing that make the “heart” filling, similar as when are a preparing for facing, or entering some where long time awaited.  Like you know but not for sure. But I think the connection is there, and free o charge.


    • #333808
      maria santos

      I think as with any relationship you have to yearn to be in a relationship, to get in contact. You have to open yourself and listen, try to understand them, and connect on things that you have in common. With upper force the point in the heart is the start, but then through our yearning to wanting to be with that force and learning through Kabbalah how to communicate and connect, and learn what it is and trying to be/share its same qualities.

    • #333789

      By focusing on the Point in the Heart and intending to connect to the qualities of the Creator and others.

    • #333457

      “The environment of the human is the Thought of the Creator. This is what a person can connect with. We can connect with the cause. The bonding with it is simply to enter into the same thought and the same intention.”

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