Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

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    • #335458

      We can get in touch with the upper force by intending to be like it.

    • #334526
      Jurandy Silva

      1. Desire to connect

      2. living a regular daily basis life

      3. meditate about what went right/wrong in every single day

      4. ask oneself this question: “why did this action went wrong?”

      5. learn with that mistake and understand that wrong things usually is a result of distance to the creator.

    • #334481

      By recognizing the part of the upper force in our reality and changing the intention behind my acts to bestow according to correct the whole of my desires.

    • #334292

      By wanting to become like him.

    • #334215

      By trying to live every moment of my life with the knowledge that He exists and it is because of His will that I exist. This realization makes me want to know Him and to want to please Him. Pleasing Him makes me more like Him who wants to please me. The moment I stop and think about this I feel Him so close to Him that I become one with Him!

    • #334002

      My sense is that the Creator is waiting for us to seek Him, so we can begin to transform from egoism to altruism. So we must take a step of faith … believing He exists and is wanting to Bestow us with His blessings of good thoughts and intentions. I think once we have this faith, we will see Him everywhere in our daily lives and gradually become aware of (sense) His Presence in situations where we are trying to give to others without seeking any rewards for ourselves. As we practice this we build our 6th sense and can actually begin to sense His Presence and pleasure with our efforts.

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