Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

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    • #326470

      Doing nice things (purely)  without not thinking getting ego return. Just wish them to be happy.

    • #326446
      Cinco Leone

      Through equivalence of form awareness of the creator becomes accessible. It is our own egoistic tendencies that obstruct our ability to witness the purity of the creator and the true nature of reality. By becoming like the creator and hence purifying those egoistic tendencies, the duality between the mind of the creator and the mind of the creature dissolves.

    • #326429

      By connecting with others who have the point in the heart who also want to be like the creator

    • #326382

      Acting with an intention of bestowal to be like The Creator

    • #326358

      Acting with the intent to be like creator.

    • #326340

      By the desire. The desire to receive looks for fulfillment. At some point, the spiritual desire awakens (as a point in the heart). Then, we have the awareness of knowing that there is an Upper Force that controls everything. We can start to interact with it and as a result we understand the purpose of creation and our own life. We can interact with the Upper Force by correcting our desires, which is an inner work with the Surrounding Light, activated by the intention. We can communicate with the Creator, the Will to Bestow, by sharing the same quality, it is the equivalence of form. Kabbalah is the science, the method and the path of the correction of the desire to receive into the intention of receiving to bestow, so we can become of the same quality of the Light (the Will to Bestow) and attain the Thought of Creation.

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