Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

Viewing 6 posts - 475 through 480 (of 694 total)
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    • #299043

      By acknowledging the point in the heart and placing one’s intention towards equivalence of form (from desire of reception to desire of bestowal).

    • #299037
      Toni Peltonen

      With equivalence of form.

    • #299031
      Henk Hadders

      Being fed up with the experiences of this world (and this never ending process of things rising, shining and decaying) I open my Heart to receive the grace of more light and energy to help start building a deep relationship with the Other One in me.

    • #299025
      Nikola Patafta

      By awakening intention to bestow. Wanting to be like Creator.

    • #297645
      Jack Brenon

      From what I understand so far, to get in touch with the upper force is to be like the upper force or have the same intentions.  Since we are made of exactly the opposite (the will to receive vs. the will to bestow), all we can do is change our intentions and keep praying, especially when we fall flat on our face for failing.  So do not forget to get up, dust yourself off, correct, and try again.

    • #296137

      We need to have first the desire to receive from the creator, by aligning yourself to receive and at the same time to have a disire to bestow

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