Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

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    • #191076

      By wanting to get in touch with the upper force we do, and through equivalence of form we perceive it and learn how to act with it mutually.

    • #190648

      My understanding is that we need to develop a strong yearning through our thoughts and prayer to connect with the Upper Force, which must demonstrate not only how much we want to be with this Force, but ultimately how much we want to be like our Creator (the equivalence of form). By doing this, our thoughts, words, and deeds will mutually align with the Upper Force.

    • #190579
        <li style=”text-align: center;”>Learning to correct the intention of our egoistic desires and develop equivalence of form, through mutual interaction with our fellow men and especially with our companions on the road in kabbalah. We must understand that we are a soul of Adam HaRishon that must be reunited to fulfill the thought of full bestowal of the Creator.
    • #190549

      Prayer – communicating with the Creator, receiving love and bestowing love towards our Creator and to other people.

    • #190545

      To organize everything in our life in order to grow our desire for connecting with the correct environment. If something or someone keeps me away from that or wants to manipulate my desire in an opposite way, i will isolate it or them from myself. If it grows my desire and supports me, I will live and integrate it even more. If it is a friend of the environment, I will show patience. Only one who has fallen can rise again. The Tao of Connection.

    • #190543

      Hello my fellow participants and my teachers. There are number of internal steps we need to take. Below are the once that immediately come to mind. Please note, these are not sequenced and are not in any priority order.

      1; develop a strong internal desire/intent to connect with both the creator and other soles.

      2; understand that everything is controlled by the creator. The creator is benevolent and everything that happens is for the greater good of our humanity.

      3; realize that instead of judging, complaining etc. need to change the internal awareness of things taking place

      4; realize that we are built to receive while the creator is all about bestowing. So need to develop an intention of bestowal (gratitude) when ever receiving anything. Learn to graciously receive.

      5; transition from an egocentric mindset to that of wanting to bestow.

      6; connect with as many soles as possible, knowing that we are all children of the creator and are part of the same sole.

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