Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

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  • #41583

    Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

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    • #333810

      If people were connected according to the spiritual law of love then everyone would love thy neighbor as thyself creating a world full of peace, harmony, bliss and understanding. Issues would be resolved not by egoistic desires but with altruistic ones.

    • #333806

      All these issues would be approached with much more love for eachother. Put the interest of one other or thr the group before ones self issues.

    • #333785

      The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard lie down with the kid, the young lion and calf will feed together, a young child will lead them, they will neither hurt nor harm on all My holy mountain.

      Learning to connect with the balance of nature surely will change our perception of this world’s reality and there is then a chance of peace and connectivity.

    • #332003

      The spiritual law of love would reveal the corrected desire

    • #331649

      The moment i first learned of this domain of knowledge I knew this was the truth. The world would be an amazing place that worked for all. Its already an unbelievable place the Creator created.

      Kabbalah is the truth. LOVE U IT ALL and most important the CREATOR/GOD

    • #331612
      patrick diederich

      A lot of conflicts arise because nobody is able to really listen and feel himself into the position of his interlocutor. By being genuinely interested into understanding the whole picture of a given issue we become better able to diagnose the root causes of conflict. Instead of arguing and negotiating we could built bridges and move on. The exchanges between people would become genuinely sincere and good willed. Mutual trust would develop and deepen. People would intuitively start to notice deceit and adress it bravely. A new sense of honesty and integrity would start to permeate the deaings between people. Optimism and trust would flourish again.

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