Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

Viewing 6 posts - 649 through 654 (of 849 total)
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    • #251653

      i’ve gained complete awareness of the fact that my ego is present and it is not always easy to catch, in fact i am now better aware of the fact that the ego is tricky and sly, and extremely manipulative. i can also see better whats motivating others around me by getting to know myself. i have also gained a sensation i have never quite felt is peculiar indeed, and i am still trying to figure out how to articulate it. there are many other insights i have gained but the above are just the most prevalent gains so far. there is still MUCH to learn, much to feel, much to see…

    • #251651
      Richard Lively

      As of right now I just have to take the word of the Kabbalist.  I can’t say anything as far as “deeper or clearer” understanding has taken place.  I feel as though something is circular about it all but nothing is actually definitive.  I am trying to feel with something other than myself, or the “I” inside me and its just too foreign to understand.  I will follow what Rav Laitman has suggested play until you know.   So for now I’ll play as if I understand but admittedly its just more words and ideas until it becomes something else.  I understand the concepts, but I also understand this is not something that is comprehendible on a physical understanding.  So my brain cannot use logic to create connections.  This is something where I have to simply just wait on the creator to show me.  I feel that if it is concealed, then it will be revealed over time.  I just know that time is not right now.  And I fully accept that.  I read all the extra literature given, and purchased books to understand what I have already become familiar with in Torah.  It has been suggested that “I have brought things with me” to this study that are not part of kabbalah.  If that is the case I’ll accept that and deprogram with what is.  It is literally all “I” can do.  Waiting on the creator is my next move.  Play until you know is the  goal.

    • #251616

      I don’t know if I would say “deeper”  Rather I more clearly see what I “don’t ” want my existence to b like. And so by studying and the proper  environment  I hope to see the other side of the coin . Thank U. KABU

    • #223297

      im still grappling with the issue of the Will to receive versus the Will to Bestow. Probably its because of my upbringing, culture and education. there’ sirens ringing in my ear as my mind is on stand still. i will have a breakthrough very soon, this much i believe

    • #223265
      kevin jackson

      I’m sensing that everything that has happened and is happening to me is the result of the Creator’s design for me to come into equivalence of form with him (there’s none else besides him)

    • #223232

      I sense clearly that the force of egoism is working inside of me. I cannot fool myself into thinking that I am the good one and the bad ones are outside of me. I am both.

      So I try to forgive myself for that. And go on reading about Kabbalah.

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