Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

Viewing 6 posts - 871 through 876 (of 1,000 total)
  • Author
    • #128596

      Before I was hungry to know God and to live accordingly to please God. Now I am hungry to experience God; an exciting and fulfilling experience which will allow me to walk  the “Path of Light”.

    • #128544
      Jan Koons

      Since I’m more toward the end of my life on Earth than at the beginning, I have a lot of “my life” to look at. I can see where every time I thought something terrible was happening to me, and although negative at the time, only propelled me to look at the bigger picture (more of the world I can perceive) and reach for the unknown to move on up. I also am learning that when I give..via intention or action, to others my heart sings. I feel uplifted and as the saying goes, giving allows good feelings perhaps more in me than who I give to, but both of us are connected. Kabbalah is reminding me that giving and connection are so very important that I need to do this more.

    • #128498

      I want to learn more about how that point inside of the box come out as something so that I can be connected to the outside reality and the Creator.

    • #128494

      that life in this corporeal is full of pain until we evolve

    • #128380
      Felix Hernandez

      I begin to realize how counter intuitive alot of Kabbalah is and how without the very specific intructions this course is providing there is no way I would possibly come to an understanding on my own.

    • #127001

      start when I realizing that all my desires, suffering, emotions and feelings were placed inside of me by the Creator and that’s not necessarily bad but they are something required to my evolution in seeking the light and find the Creator

Viewing 6 posts - 871 through 876 (of 1,000 total)
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