Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

Viewing 6 posts - 877 through 882 (of 1,000 total)
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    • #63378

      I try to remember that everything that is happening to me is sent from above rather than some random occurrence and that if I respond to it correctly, I can progress spiritually.

    • #63248

      Through Kaballah I have a larger need to understand more of what I can attain in life i.e. what I can develop and learn to understand between birth and death.

    • #63130

      When I am free from work, I am constantly thinking about the Creator and all creatures and myself and the connection of all the elements, when something good or bad happens to me, I first check well and then I think what the Creator wants to teach me in order to grow spiritually and bring me to Himself, and what effect this has had on my growth and teaching others, at this time to have a higher understanding of all that happens at a higher level of life. I do.

    • #63118

      I’m seeing how its not about good or bad as mush as its about receiving and giving, whats good for one is not always good for the other, My good will never out weigh my bad when I complain about my good.  To receive in order to give is the good from the creator. Only good comes from him, when I try to do it without including him, I lose the why I’m doing it.  To become one with the creator.  Does that make sense?

    • #63114

      In every event, I try to “zoom out” and see the bigger picture. It’s so easy to lose sight of any sense of divinity or broader purpose when we get caught up in the mundane day-to-day activities. However, I’m learning that these mundane daily activities is actually where the magic happens! The way we respond and interact with our environments is constantly having a ripple effect to everything else that happens in our lives. As time goes by and I spend more time reflecting on my life, things that once seemed like misfortune ended up being a great learning lesson, and vice versa. I’m starting to realize that everything happens FOR us, not TO us.

    • #63073
      Robert Howlett

      I have started to see how the way I relate to the environment, as I perseve it, with regards to my mood, directly affects to how others act within what I perseve as my environment. That goes for people and animals.
      <p style=”text-align: right;”>From what I understand. I contain the world within me, and what I perseve as the world around me, is a fraction of the total of reality.</p>
      Is what I am perseaving, with regards to perseving the mood of others around me,

      Is that my ego, tricking me into thinking this or am I actually perseving this through a spiritual connection.

      I ask this as I have been working hard on changing the way that I act and react around others, checking my intention and correcting it when possible.

Viewing 6 posts - 877 through 882 (of 1,000 total)
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