Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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    • #155730

      I’ve learned that although I’m created with my desires, I alone have the ability to transform them altruistically, and thus, move from base-level desires, to those that align with the Creator’s desire to bestow – especially with the application of ‘faith above reason’. This is profound, and without Kabbalah, it seems highly improbable that people would arrive at these deeply spiritual insights and realisations.

    • #155723

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>I am starting to understand how the law of nature influences my life experience, and can better observe and even detach my ego in certain situations.</p>

    • #128689

      I find it comforting to think that humanity is evolving according to a plan so that it’s easier to deal with all the suffering in the world.  The idea of developing a vessel with which to perceive gives a clear goal and direction to my life.

    • #128654

      I have understood that everything happening in my life, every situation is from the creator and I need to connect to that force to receive the benevolence of the creator to climb the upward ladder.

    • #128626
      Etienne Fourie

      to understand the boundaries of concealment and the forces working on these boundaries, and through Kabbalah to learn how I can grow towards seeing the oneness of all and how I as part of this whole can grow to pure altruism to the benefit of the whole sole.

    • #128597

      So far I have learned that it’s not a bad thing to receive and it is a good thing to give. Still, it is better to give even though receiving is not necessarily negative.  I have learned that when I attribute my receiving to the Creator I find it easier to give because of the connection that is being actualized. I have also understood that because of my limitations and the screen which forms those limitations I am not void of them but I must now add to the screen the 6th part of the screen and move in a direction which will contribute to the connection.

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