Preparation Prompt: In Kabbalah, our primary task is to draw the reforming light, which supplies all we require for spiritual progress. Moreover, it’s said that aiding others accelerates our own spiritual ascent. How does this dynamic operate? What does supporting fellow seekers with a spiritual inclination entail?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 4 Discuss Preparation Prompt: In Kabbalah, our primary task is to draw the reforming light, which supplies all we require for spiritual progress. Moreover, it’s said that aiding others accelerates our own spiritual ascent. How does this dynamic operate? What does supporting fellow seekers with a spiritual inclination entail?

  • #57425

    Preparation Prompt: In Kabbalah, our primary task is to draw the reforming light, which supplies all we require for spiritual progress. Moreover, it’s said that aiding others accelerates our own spiritual ascent. How does this dynamic operate? What does supporting fellow seekers with a spiritual inclination entail?

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 223 total)
  • Author
    • #378427

      Faith above reason

    • #378313
      Michael Dunlap

      Through the reforming light our egoistic desires are transformed to altruistic ones allowing us to shift our intention towards aiding others in their development through knowledge sharing, listening, and group collaboration.

    • #378277

      It entails annulling ourselves for them, making their desires ours so we can fill their deficiencies. And then fake it until you make it!

    • #374560
      Zach Ansel

      When we are aiding others we are acting altruistically, thus becoming co-creators in the creation.

    • #373176

      Extending curiosity and attention to them?

    • #373041
      Ronny Cervantes

      Helping others in their spiritual work is the most important and the only work that we are tasked to do here. This is called Great light work. For us to understand what the light is and to help others find the light in them. Any form of spiritual work is the work of the creator through us and we must fulfill it. This must give us joy to be in the light and greater joy to help the world achieve this light.

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 223 total)
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