Preparation Question: Our entire work in Kabbalah is only to attract the light that reforms. By this we receive everything we need for our advancement. Furthermore, I’m told that if I will help the others, I will advance myself even more towards spirituality. How does this work? What does it mean to help the others, those with the point in the heart, on the spiritual path?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: Our entire work in Kabbalah is only to attract the light that reforms. By this we receive everything we need for our advancement. Furthermore, I’m told that if I will help the others, I will advance myself even more towards spirituality. How does this work? What does it mean to help the others, those with the point in the heart, on the spiritual path?

  • #41577

    Preparation Question: Our entire work in Kabbalah is only to attract the light that reforms. By this we receive everything we need for our advancement. Furthermore, I’m told that if I will help the others, I will advance myself even more towards spirituality. How does this work? What does it mean to help the others, those with the point in the heart, on the spiritual path?

Viewing 6 posts - 307 through 312 (of 350 total)
  • Author
    • #220603

      If we are all part of one soul,  then helping others is really helping ourselves too.  A  Bigger vessel can hold more light.

    • #220597
      Ali Nadalipour
      1. As i learned the light is the basic material and everything is just the mold.together we can make a big vessel with a big common desire to spiritual the bigger the vessel the better.
    • #220581

      Not sure but here is what I think. Connection is the key. Becoming one with others amplifies the impact of our work. So as we develop proper connections we mutually help each others advance in our path toward a more evolved existence and attract more of the light.

    • #219131

      I am not sure, but I guess that putting our intention aligned with my friends the intention grow stronger attracting more light that helps both of us to advance faster.

    • #190371

      In helping others, we try to connect with their desires as our own, and begin to emulate Ein Sof. In the presence of a true desire to connect to the upper force, the difficulty that arises in our attempts creates a greater yearning within us. Little by little, through this yearning, each of us attracts more of the Upper Light, and we feel our connectedness to a greater degree. This new feeling resonates with others in the group, and in turn strengthens their ability to stay connected to their point the heart, even when it’s difficult.

      I don’t think we get to choose when the light that reforms comes to us. But by putting ourselves in a situation, an environment, where we can stay connected to our desire to know the Creator even when things are difficult, we create a standing invitation for the Light, where we more readily attract it. So our is really just to strive to create the right environment for ourselves and others – the rest is beyond us.

    • #190145
      Arabela Dias

      Help the others means connecting my point in the heart with their point in the heart, so our common and individual desire for spirituality can grow. See the Creator in others, in our connection.

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