Preparation Question: Starting a new course in Kabbalah is similar to a fetus moving on to a new trimester. The warm and fulfilling womb is still the same, but the desire and needs of the future human are evolving. Before we start the first week let’s set our expectations. How do we want the womb (Light) to influence and evolve us? What do we desire to achieve in this semester?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: Starting a new course in Kabbalah is similar to a fetus moving on to a new trimester. The warm and fulfilling womb is still the same, but the desire and needs of the future human are evolving. Before we start the first week let’s set our expectations. How do we want the womb (Light) to influence and evolve us? What do we desire to achieve in this semester?

  • This topic has 272 replies, 260 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by Livi.
  • #57405

    Preparation Question: Starting a new course in Kabbalah is similar to a fetus moving on to a new trimester. The warm and fulfilling womb is still the same, but the desire and needs of the future human are evolving. Before we start the first week let’s set our expectations. How do we want the womb (Light) to influence and evolve us? What do we desire to achieve in this semester?

Viewing 6 posts - 169 through 174 (of 266 total)
  • Author
    • #299781

      I want the spark inside me to grow and grow, allowing me to experience more of God and empowering me to bestow blessings on others.

    • #299776
      Sharla Windham

      I would love for the light to evolve me to bestowal. I’m realizing every day how much I am just one giant desire after another. I’d like to learn how to use kabbalahist jujitsu to turn those desires into bestowal.

    • #299772
      Abe Tapia

      I expect the light to increase the spark in our hearts and then share that light with the world like what was done at the retreat. kabbalah TEACHERS, you are AWESOME!!!!

    • #299770

      I both want and don’t want my resistance to be gone. I know this is all leading to group activities. My ego resists this strongly. I want to advance and understand/experience this more. Which will require me to get a better grip on my ego and lead it. Instead of it leading me.

    • #299712

      I hope to gain a clear understanding of group work and my role in it.

    • #299402
      Abbaa Naa’ol



      When we activate the Light in our lives, problems are solved, arguments are diffused, solutions instantly arrive, and whatever we may need can fall into our hands. This is the power of the Light

Viewing 6 posts - 169 through 174 (of 266 total)
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