Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

  • #28805

    Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

Viewing 6 posts - 421 through 426 (of 792 total)
  • Author
    • #312744
      Karim C

      I wish we can all reflect the Creator’s light back to one point,

      like a concave mirror of a telescope focusing light,

      translating celestial objects into visible objects.

      In so doing, hopefully the collective human light will be a message of gratitude perceivable to the Creator.

      • #313003

        Research mirror neurons. I think you’ll like it.

    • #312500

      I wish for us all to understand what is true and what is false

    • #312297
      Graphic Unity

      I’m looking forward for your journey and my journey to connect grow and fill the universe with a desire to bestow.

    • #312064

      I wish for everyone the courage to engage in the process

    • #311773

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>I wish everyone to stay with us and make the right connections to reach our goal</p>

    • #311597
      ali malekzadeh

      How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

      By changing our will to receive to will to bestow more and more

Viewing 6 posts - 421 through 426 (of 792 total)
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