Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #322142

      To the true purpose of living in this physical world.

    • #322128

      The entire belief in Creator

    • #322093

      I think I’d be thrilled just to get to the point where I noticed more of what my five senses are telling me, instead of getting caught up in thought and seeing the world through an entrenched filter. I suspect that if I noticed more of what-is, I’d notice things beyond my five senses, too. But I don’t really know what those things would be. I know there are a lot of aspects of reality that I’m unlikely to discover on my own. I look forward to finding teachers who know how to point me in directions that I didn’t even know existed.

    • #322003

      Kabbalah teaches us to percept reality from a space where the Thought of the Creator is available for us to connect with.

    • #321772

      To truly understand the interconnection of all forces / ‘things’

    • #321764
      bobby johnson

      Perception beyond our limited five senses and get the creator perspective…

Viewing 6 posts - 601 through 606 (of 1,360 total)
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