Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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  • This topic has 1,378 replies, 1,243 voices, and was last updated 27 minutes ago by Len.
Viewing 6 posts - 619 through 624 (of 1,357 total)
  • Author
    • #320574
      Claribel Rivera

      The perception of the goodness of the creator

    • #320528

      We want to study Kabbalah with the perception of reality not perceived by our five senses, in order to perceive reality that is beyond our senses. Our five senses perceive reality through programs implemented by us or by others, by the way we reacted before to similar situations, by beliefs that we acquired along the way, by mentality and programs passed down from our childhood to present by parents, teachers, colleagues, and other people, society, and the programs are not our reality, they are just the way we were thought to perceive things.

    • #320513

      The wisdom (science) of Kabbalah “points the way” or “shows us” the method to perceiving (understanding & experiencing) the “spiritual forces,” of OUTSIDE or BEYOND our limited “5 sense- perception” or the “projected reality” of the “closed box with 5 openings,” in which we live.

      MANY thanks to KabU for sharing this millennial & priceless wisdom. Shalom!

    • #320416

      To the creator and to also understand the 6th sense

    • #320415

      To have a clear perception of God.

    • #320281


Viewing 6 posts - 619 through 624 (of 1,357 total)
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