Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #303735

      I’ve been seeker since my early years on the planet. I want answers to questions about life and answers most people in my life have no interest in asking. I what to know what I don’t know…

    • #303367
      hamilton de sousa

      The preception of the higher world.

    • #303274

      To the perception of what is, outside the limitations of my 5 sense organs.

    • #303246

      We want the study of Kabbalah to lead us to the perception of reality outside of our bodies.

    • #303055

      Individually, or as a group? For me… learning kabbalah… I don’t really don’t have a clear answer yet. All I can say is I am hoping I am learning more of the truth of reality. The concept of their being more to reality than what I have lived in for all these years… intrigues me. I am looking for truth. If there is a reality that I am entitled to see but need to show genuine effort to see, then I’m firmly here to learn.

      As a group, I believe that we are all connected in some way. And I hope that as a whole we can all some day generate more, a eality of love in our world than what I see happening everyday in the news… I wish people would come to understand and embrace our connection to the point where the priority in this world is to care for one another… not hurt, deprive, or to make war.

    • #302900
      Curtis Morgan

      unlimited fulfillment not altered by defective interpretation of reality

Viewing 6 posts - 607 through 612 (of 1,145 total)
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