Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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Viewing 6 posts - 673 through 678 (of 1,360 total)
  • Author
    • #316393
      Raphael Mifsud

      The perception of what is outside of the 5 senses box. The infinite reality beyond what we “normaly” perceive.

    • #316360

      Im not sure how to answer that. I just know I want to understand more than I do now and to start living in the bigger picture.

    • #316184
      Melissa Lucero

      To be able to perceive the spiritual world by developing a sixth sense that will help us perceive it

    • #316136
      Ann Stephens

      I desire a perception of reality in which I know that I am not able to see the full picture. This will open a space in me to be able to trust my creator to make choices that benefit not just me, but for the maximum benefit of the greater whole.

    • #316043

      I want to know truth what is truth truth how to get in line with the creative himself so the love that I have will help me to become one

    • #315813
      Julie in Cornwall

      The perception of the integrated whole

      The understanding about WHY LIFE IS AS IT IS

      These are my own answers – I wonder who are ‘we’ ?


Viewing 6 posts - 673 through 678 (of 1,360 total)
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