Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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  • Author
    • #314983
      Peter Hjorth

      The study of kabbalah should lead us to a perception of reality that is beyond our 5 senses. A perception that is more fulfilling than our limited current perception

    • #314982

      Transcend the perception which is limited and we don’t understand. Finally, to the reality which gives us eternal pleasure and answers.

    • #314198
      Elizabeth Mulhane

      To the true reality according to the creator.

    • #314172

      a perception that enables the perceiver to be open to all that is. a perception that is able to receive

    • #314016
      Denis Sarmento

      With an open heart and no ego involved.

    • #313983

      To learn how to move the quality of the Creature (the will to receive) to be more like the Creator (the will to bestow). To be able to move in the spiritual space from (our world) to the (upper worlds) beyond the barrier to where the Creator and Creature can combine together as one.

Viewing 6 posts - 667 through 672 (of 1,321 total)
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