Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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  • Author
    • #317444

      Outside of the body

    • #316914
      Larunce Pipkin

      True eternal reality

    • #316768

      Leaving away from the limitation of our body

    • #316515
      Enrique Luis

      A una percepción de la realidad que me permita conocer la voluntad del Creador y me habilite para cumplir dicha voluntad.

    • #316437

      I would love the wisdom of Kabbalah to remove the blindness of the senses and allow us all to see clear and transparently that in essence….we are LOVE

      I feel it so deeply, but the mind comes on the way, in a way I can’t explain easily yet


      thanks as always dear Kabbalah family

    • #316435

      There is just the IS, Reality just the way the Creator Creates it, Here and Now.  Not in the past or future, because in the IS there is no time and space, but in this very Instant of Life.

      So we have this experience that we are in a “box”, the seeming sense of being in a physical body, and only able to perceive the IS through our sensorium.  But we only have desires for physical fulfillment.  This causes us to filter out of our sensorium that which does not serve the goal of satisfying our immediate, or even long-term desires for physical fulfillment.  But the accomplishment of these physical goals of satisfaction do not last, they are extinguished even as they are accomplished.  So what’s the answer?

      This IS, manifests in unlimited ways, as Light, as Vibrations of infinite frequencies.  You have been Created by the Creator to Receive His Will to experience Unlimited and continuous Joy, Pleasure and Fulfillment.  So it is just a simple matter of changing our focus of Attention,  from the being in a closed and limited “box”, to the ever present IS, in whatever way it manifests into your Awareness.  The Creator has a Plan and a Purpose for each of His Creations, and when you make this choice to shift your Attention to His Will for your life, and open yourself up to this Unending Flow of Life, then IT fills you to overflowing and you just naturally give the Unending Abundance of what is given, because you are now aligned with the Will of the One Life to receive Life and to give Life.  Step-by-step, you are guided to perceive His Infinite Abundance, and share it as He Wills.  Simple, yes?

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